The business environment in the cross-border area has weaknesses in providing liquidity to SMEs, either at the stage of their creation or at the level of existing ones that require labour capital. The constant changes and volatility of the businesses in conjunction with the introduction of new technologies, regulations and processes related to development, production, marketing and the availability of products requires specialized and targeted support. The competitiveness of economies and businesses is judged by features related to quality, design originality and product innovation. These features refer to the ability to identify, adopt and disseminate new, ever-evolving productive technological knowledge, and are also the result of creative problem-solving and strategic choices. So there is a need to create an environment to promote innovation, the development of which depends on business cooperation, the establishment of technology transfer networks, infrastructures that provide services for the transmission of information, communication, training, etc. In this framework incubators provide a wide range of tools and support services to business teams aiming the acceleration of their developmental course. BUSINESS PASSPORT will face the the need to creating an environment at a cross-border level, that promotes innovation and develop the formula for creation transfer technologies, by providing services for the dissemination of information, communication, education, etc. Since the creative thinking is necessary for the confrontation of the challenges of a rapidly changing world, it needs to find the place it deserves in business. The international competition, the constant changes in production conditions along with the changes in consumer patterns make today’s innovation, the most important component of economic growth, but also a prerequisite for the competitive advantage of a business. The competitiveness of economies and businesses is judged by characteristics related to quality, design originality and product and service innovation. These features refer to the ability to identify, adopt and disseminate new, ever-evolving productive technological knowledge, and are also the result of creative solving of problems and strategic choices in the CB area. The key is to create a framework that aims in providing support to specific thematic fields and at the same time stimulate business creation. This is why BUSINESS PASSPORT foresees the operation of laboratories in incubators and will be supported by research and training bodies ensuring that knowledge is interconnected and directly linked to production, resulting in the constant modernization of know-how and their transfer to stakeholders. The ability of businesses to innovate and grow is, in common, the primary force that leads to the development and improvement of living standards locally and regionally. Small innovative businesses are an essential part of this process as they succeed structural changes and create new jobs by replacing those lost and this is the main concern in the cross-border area.
Start: 13/04/2021
TOTAL BUDGET: 645.014,85 €
Funding: 85% EU and 15% National Contribution
Priority Axis 1 -A Competitive and Innovative Cross-Border Area
Fund: ERDF
Thematic Objectives / Priorities
03-Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) Investment Priority 3a – Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators Specific Objective 1 – To Improve entrepreneurship SME support systems
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